Our Genealogy Page.....

Okay, so it runs to several pages and will eventually be even more.

Through the links that follow, you can check out our main surnames and find innumerable side branches.

This is information we have collected from family memories and notations, some we have been able to gather from distant cousins or other researchers. Please do not expect this information to be the final source, engraved in stone! Some of it we are not so sure of ourselves, but until better information comes along, here it is. Should you have questions, corrections, additional information, please contact genealogy@homesteadline.com.
Please remember that our information has come from old records passed through generations. You may encounter folks with the same name that are not your relative, or have a history you didn't previously know. This happens. Please do NOT call us and be rude about it; we don't post things to annoy you.




Davies Wightman Stelting Garner Fields




Oden ~~ Edson


This is a Genealogy Site

 Questions or information etc should be sent to genealogy@homesteadline.com


Don't forget to drop in at our Homestead Store where

many of our items ARE a piece of history.

We have beginning genealogy kits for kids too!


 ã Brainstorms Extraordinaire 2005