Happy Mothers Day to all.

Since our Glacier Point trip we have done a presentation at the Sheldon Museum and Cultural Center in Haines. It was an informal question and answer session with lots of folks asking questions and sharing stories of their experiences with our family.

We donated the first printing of The Children of Glacier Point Book 2 to the Museum.  This volume was hand bound and a special edition.  ( Information on the availability of Book 2 will be shared when we return home next week.)






Went out to breakfast and ran into family friend Butch Strong and enjoyed a great visit with him. Later in the day we stopped by to see Cecelia David and her son Jeff. Was wonderful to see them both.  Of course we have been hanging out with Nellie Clayton Pettit and Janice Clayton Hill over the past several days.

At the museum gathering we saw Mary Manuel, Carol Waldo, George Edwards, Betty Wilde – all friends from way back. So very nice to reconnect with all these folks.

We have enjoyed great food at several establishments around town and will likely have to  diet when we get home!

We have also been exploring all the shops and picking up items from local artists/artisans such as Tresham Gregg and others.

We are going out for Mothers Day dinner at the Hotel Halsingland this evening.

More later………………….much later.

We Made It!

Yes, our flights,  were on time and we arrived in Juneau to beautiful sunny weather.  After checking in, we found out how to get downtown [10 miles away] and took the Tram ride to up Mt Roberts.  Guess what we ate for dinner?  SEAFOOD!  Yummy crab, salmon, halibut….ahhh.  Followed by blueberry pie and cheesecake for desert.

We are now in our motel room and will be up early in the morning [again] to catch the ferry to Haines.  We will try for pictures tomorrow!

Crazy spring weather………

Here it is the 5th of May, yes it is Cinco de Mayo but we are not actually celebrating that, and the weather can’t seem to decide whether to be nice or not, warm or cold, calm or windy. Ok well this IS Mountain Home, Idaho and wind DOES really like to blow here.

Was so glad we did not have to get up at the crack of dawn for work today. I slept in until almost 7am! That’s late for me – – LOL.

After a couple cups of tea and a little breakfast and an awesome phone call with my sis I thought I ought to get busy and do something. So shower, clothes and hubby and I were off to Walmart to get some big pots (for planting herbs and lettuce) along with a few other things we needed.  Got the pots and some potting soil and home we came. I have now planted the starts of lettuce and herbs in said pots and they are sitting just inside our sliding glass door which leads to the back deck. It is just a little cool and windy to put them outside so far.

The apricot tree is absolutely loaded with fruit as is at least one of our two peach trees, the strawberry plants are blooming and I need to cut the rhubarb again!  Had a wonderful rhubarb crisp a week or so ago. That stuff has been enjoying the cooler wetter weather.

Should get in my “sweat shop” and work on something, just waiting for inspiration to hit, have some ideas for a show one sister and I will be attending in November! Oh yeah trying to be ahead of the game for a change. Amazing I know. Come see us at the Bruneau Cowboy Christmas event in Bruneau, Idaho on the 17th and 18th of November, 2012 from 10am to 4pm each day.

Ok back to work on something, have a great day all!


I love spring time!  It was so beautiful here in South West Idaho where my husband and I live that I got to spend some quality time with my flower beds! Oh yes it was quality time for sure. I pulled old dead grass and other assorted plant life that either did not belong there or was leftover and dead. There is still a lot to do but already it looks SO much better.

I planted  a huge pot full of tulip bulbs (oh yeah bought the bulbs last fall and did not get them planted so yup they were starting to grow in the bag they came in). The big pot sits on the stump of a tree that we heartily disliked and cut down some years ago.  Usually here in our town we like to leave trees but sometimes when they are a Chinese (piss) elm you just DON’T want the dang things. They make such a mess in the spring and then they are prolific as all get out too.

Sometime in the past few years a maple seed blew in from across the street and now there is  young maple growing in my flower bed, its about 3 feet high already! Not sure if it gets to stay there or not, that remains to be seen.  The weeping cherry in our side yard has leaf buds showing and the peach and apricot trees in the back yard do as well.

Lots of crocus are up and I saw one with the cutest little yellow bloom already. Daffodils, tulips, lillies and iris are coming along as well.  I always feel such a sense of renewal in the spring. Thank you Lord for allowing me these annual pleasures, I promise to take good care of your plants.