Welcome to our New Followers!

Don’t know most of you, or where you are ‘checking in’ from, but you are all welcome.  We don’t hold to a specific schedule, and postings might range anywhere from when we were little between 50 to 60 years ago to current happenings with our lives or grands!
Since you ARE here, we’d like to share our web sites: http://www.homesteadline.com, http://www.brainstormspublishing.com and our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Homesteadline

Homesteadline.com is our Homestead Store with a variety of custom made articles for fun and utility.  Brainstorms Publishing is where we showcase our very own books.  Stories of Alaskan homesteading and more.

Children of Glacier Point

Book One

Compiled from the diaries and memories of a family that homesteaded in Southeast Alaska in the 1940’s and ’50’s, this is a true story of adventure and hardship. Told ‘the way it was’ with pictures and maps to illustrate, this is an experience you won’t want to miss.

Teresa and Denise, winter of ’49-50


[sample #1]

“We can’t live in that!” said Herb.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe if we clean it up a bit, it will do to camp in until we can build a cabin” said I, with some misgivings however.

“It was 1948 and we were viewing our prospective homestead for the first time. Herb and I together with our 14-month-old daughter Denise had recently come to Alaska. We had arrived at Port Chilkoot only a few weeks before and were living there until we could find a likely place to homestead.”


[sample #2]

Friday, January 13th, 1950. “Temp still 4 below, slight breeze, clear.”

Remembering, Teresa writes “It was calm when we set out from home but by the time we got to the Slot, we ran into a strong north wind and the temperature dropped even lower.

“I was sitting amidships facing aft with Denise next to me. Herb was sitting next to the motor. We started taking on water over the bow when we ran through the biggest waves so I started baling. Herb had to fight to keep the motor running. Then when the one plank split we really took on water but I had to quit baling since it rocked the boat too much. The spray from the waves was freezing on the boat and us. Herb was sheathed in ice, the motor was barely running, and we were taking on water. I put Denise on my lap and did a lot of praying.”


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