Our True ‘Child of Glacier Point’

Linda spring '51

Linda spring ’51

Excerpt from Book #2, Children of Glacier Point  http://www.brainstormspublishing.com/

May 21, 1950, Herb’s notes read as follows: “Was intending to take Teresa to town to have the baby but it came a week early so at the expense of some gray hairs I officiated.  Everything and everyone okay but me.”

Teresa recalls that, although no entry was made in the diary, the day before Linda was born the creek was running wilder than usual.  “Herb and I spent a considerable amount of time and effort moving rocks trying to get the creek to not eat into the bank on the cabin side.  Whether that had anything to do with her arriving early I don’t know, but very well might have been.”

May 21, 1950…continued.

 “The morning Linda was born I remember getting up, starting the fire, fixing breakfast for Herb and Denise. I served them hotcakes, and I made coffee but never did get it poured! Herb said something about going to town but I informed him it was too late for that since I knew the baby was on its way.  No way was I going to have that child in the boat!   Herb was all for going and getting Terry Teston but I said NO! No time for that either just stay here and help me.  I put my bundle of prepared, sterilized supplies next to the bed.  Herb put Denise in his shop, much to her dismay since she wanted to help Mummie.  Really was not long until we knew we had another little girl.  I will always remember Herb saying, “How in the world do you get a hold one of these slippery things?”  It really made me laugh but he did not think it was funny at all!  So I took the little one and was able to cut the cord as per the doctor’s instructions and cleaned her up as best I could.  Herb let Denise in then and she was so please to see her little sister.  However she poor kid had not been able to keep from messing her pants and Herb was not thrilled at having to help her clean herself up.  Again I couldn’t help thinking it was humorous since men seem to have such a time under these conditions!  As soon as Denise and I and the baby were settled, Herb walked up to Teston’s to get Terry.  She told me later that when she answered his knock on their door she knew by the whiteness and look on his face what had happened!”

Denise: I also remember that day and being told by my Daddy to “sit down there and don’t you move.”  He was so frazzled that I did not even think of doing anything but that, and was quite embarrassed at the result. It was also some while before he remembered I was still waiting as I had been told. The little sister was exciting however, as at long last I would have a friend and companion, someone to play with.   Not sure I realized it would take a while until she could keep up with me!

Diary entry continues on May 21, 1950:  “Linda Mary born at 10:10 AM.  Weighed approximately 6 lb. 2 oz [later revised to about 5 pounds 2 ounces!]  Herb delivered same.  All went well.  Ken and Terry came down after lunch.  Herb and Ken ran skate, got a halibut and 2 cod.  Had gotten a porky (porcupine) at 2:30 AM.”

So the nights sleep had been interrupted with the dogs fussing about the porcupine, and Herb shooting it.  Then the afternoon after the birth went on with business as usual, checking the skate line out in the bay.

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