Alright already….

Trying this with a different ‘service’ as the whole notice bit is driving me nuts [yes, I know, did not have far to go, but really….]

It is either not working, or is incredibly slow.  I’ve subscribed to our own blog, updated with a new plugin, added widget and now am very impatiently waiting for a notice to arrive in my email that ‘yay, there is a new post!’ even though of course I DID the post.

WAIT, WAIT, I see another box to click or unclick.  Honest, it was NOT there earlier this morning….must be attached to the new plugin?

Do hope that at the very least these posts might give you a chuckle or two, and that some of you will look back through some of the previous ones as well.

Yes, I am STILL fighting with this!  Nothing that is supposed to work automatically is…working automatically.  Go figure.

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