Wood Length Issues to Plug In Issues



As mentioned in a previous post, we used to use a Swede Saw to cut green alder for firewood for the kitchen range.  It had to be a certain length; ie not too long but not too short either or it didn’t stack as neatly!

Now my worries tend toward an electrical issue.  New kitchen range arriving next week and the darned plug in is not going to fit!  New one is a 4-prong [one round, three straight] whereas the old one is only a three.  Not that it was easy to figure that out, because a) I did not remember and b) could only get the stove moved part way out from the wall! Plus, will have to move the refrigerator to other side of kitchen to allow for space to remove said range/stove and insert new one.

Kinda feel like the woodpile was tilting, you know?  At least it will all be worked out in time and, like said woodpile, it is but a bump in the road.

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