It is Definitely Time For an Annual ‘Catch Up’!

So here we go.

Denise; working on bears and books.  Excerpt from the latest ‘Bellybutton Bears in History’ which is about the Klondike Gold Rush
“Ma, I told you there was more to the boy than his rough and tumble brothers.    They’re solid workers, don’t get me wrong, but Roscoe, well he reminds me of my Uncle Jack.”    “But Pa, he was an, an…an adventurer!”    “Yes, he was.” Pa puffed on his pipe.

Linda;  Greenhouse Atticbusy cleaning greenhouses and planting for the upcoming season.  That would be in addition to bringing all the bookkeeping up to date and working on two or three sewing projects.


Nancy; reorganizing both her crafting area and living area so she is ready for the next big project in the door!


Ruth; calves
besides creating a new supply of frames for ‘Shooting the West’ in Winnemucca, it is calf season on the ranch!  Three sets of twins so far.


This just barely touches on what is happening.  As more sunshine and spring flowers inspire us, we’ll try to be more consistent in our postings and sharings.


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